WebHut 3.02
WebHut is useful for making HTML pages for the Internet easily.
WebHut is useful for making HTML pages for the Internet easily. It is a database application. User data are represented as categories, where objects are joined. Any thing can be a category or an object. You can have categories of books, CD-ROMs, records, tools or fridges, for example. This feature is enabled by optional names of fields.
In the categories, there are individual objects - for example, there are books, ... (see above). You can export WebHut data into HTML pages with only one click (export function into HTML). You can export into HTML all data or changes only (changes since last WebHut export). Then you can publish these HTML pages on an Internet or Intranet Server. You can browse these HTML pages directly from hard disk on any web browser too, because there are static HTML pages.
WebHut HTML pages are tested on MS Internet Explorer 3, 4.x, 5.x, on Netscape Navigator 4.7 and 6.x and on Mozilla - generated HTML pages are compliant with standards of W3C consortium http://validator.w3.org. The design of WebHut HTML pages can be changed by editing pre-prepared HTML patterns. So the WebHut program is useful for creati
html pages you can into html there are webhut html pages are these html for example can export useful for

Download WebHut 3.02
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