internet › servers web servers software
MiniPortal 1.3.92
InstantServers, Inc.
Host multiple web sites on Windows with this Apache-based web server with plug-ins for PHP and MySQL.
SurfStatsLive Reporting Server
SurfStats Software cc
SurfStatsLive Real-Time Reporting Service is a useful and reliable Windows 2 server-based web analytics product.
Essentia Web Server for Linux 2.1
High performance Scalable Web Server, Supporting 1000's of Virtual Servers,with Built in interfaces for Servlets,JSP, ISAPI & CGI.
PowerNET Web File Sharing 1.8
Share files with your clients, friends or family by simply running our small HTTP File Sharing.
MyWebServer 1.0.3
MyWebServer LLC
MyWebServer is a free personal peer-to-peer web, file and application server.
EzCom2Web 20160108.1
Cosmin Buhu
Lightweight HTTP server and a script engine (like PHP or ASP) in one application.
Admin Report Kit for IIS 4.0
Vyapin Software Systems Privat
Admin Report Kit for IIS (ARKIIS) is a powerful reporting tool for Microsoft IIS Administrators.
ProjectForum 7.5.0
CourseForum Technologies
With ProjectForum your team will work closely together.
Advanced Service Manager (ASM) 2.0
Vyapin Software Systems Privat
Advanced Service Manager (ASM) helps manage Services on NT machines, across the enterprise from a single machine at the same time.
CacheRight 4.1.0
Port80 Software, Inc
CacheRight allows developers to set reliable caching policies for any site content.
Document Import Kit (DocKIT) 3.5
Vyapin Software Systems Pvt Lt
Retains the existing NTFS/Public Folder permissions and simultaneously safeguards the SharePoint security.
123LogAnalyzer 3.30
ZY Computing,Inc
123LogAnalyzer is the fastest, most powerful and detailed solution for seeing who your site visitors are, where they come from, where they go, and more! Features include high-speed processing, low disk space requirements, built-in IP mapping and 123LogAnalyzer's unique filtering capabilities.
Quick ‘n Easy Web Server Professional 3.1.2
Pablo Software Solutions
Setting up your own web server never has been easier!
Download, unzip and specify the folder where your webpages are located.
CustomError 3.0.2
Port80 Software
CustomError lets developers customize 404 or any error pages by simply uploading their own error pages (or error images), coded by hand or created in their favorite editor to a designated directory on their IIS Web server.
Stunnix Perl Web Server 2.10
Stunnix Perl Web Server is an advanced Web server developed for creating browser-based applications and database-driven catalogues or presentations that reside on CDROM or DVD, internally implemented as Perl-driven or PHP-driven Web sites that store data in MySQL or SQLite database also located on CDROM.
.NET Web Components 1.0
SoftAura, Inc.
A package of three Web components: a Shopping Cart, a Chat, and a Forum specially created for web developers.
RealTimeQuery 3.2
Spanto Soft S.L.
RealTimeQuery is the perfect program to give online support to your customers.
Personal Site Server 2.5.9
Personal Site Server is an easy to use Drag and Drop Web Site builder and Server that doesn't require HTML knowledge.
Web Server Performance Snapshot 1.1
Get a snapshot of your web server's performance anytime from anywhere with Web Server Performance Snapshot.
NaviCOPA Web Server 2.01
InterVations Inc
NaviCOPA takes the hard work out of running a Web Server.
RaidenHTTPD 2.0.19
Team Johnlong
An easy to use and full featured web server software, RaidenHTTPD supports HTTP 1.
The NetJetServer is a useful and powerful Internet / Intranet / Personal Web Server which allows you to build web sites using your browser.
BiblioWeb Server 6
BiblioWeb represents a Web-based bibliographic software for your organization.
WhosVisiting 1.20
JH Software
WhosVisiting will give you an instant and live overview of current activity on your web-sites.
BlueZone 4.0c1
Seagull Software
BlueZone is a robust Web-to-host and desktop terminal emulator for IBM mainframes (TN3270 & TN3270E), DEC/VT UNIX, iSeries (TN5250) and Unisys (T27, UTS).