Active Bookmark 1.1 beta
Active Bookmark is plug-in available for Internet Explorer browser.
Active Bookmark is plug-in available for Internet Explorer browser.
This is little and handly utility necessary most of all for people who likes read a big web pages using Internet Explorer.
Main feature of Active Bookmark is ability make bookmark to concrete place of the page, and ability make much bookmarks to one web page.
Also Active Bookmark can automatically fill short decribtions of bookmarks which loading from title HTML tag of web page and
active bookmark web page page and ability make internet explorer

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Active Bookmark is plug-in available for Internet Explorer browser.
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Advanced Bookmark Manager is a skinnable Internet bookmark manager.
NM Bookmark Mania 2.4.40
Nilyus Media
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CyberMatrix Corporation, Inc.
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SuperCool Bookmark 2.17
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