Form1 Builder GoldMine 30
With Form1 Builder GoldMine you will be able to automatically use GoldMine's WebImport function to add form submission data directly to your GoldMine database.
With Form1 Builder GoldMine you will be able to automatically use GoldMine's WebImport function to add form submission data directly to your GoldMine database. It also allows you to specify the full range of GoldMine functions. This includes running duplication checks and automatic processes. Instructions for these are easily set in the form and processed when GoldMine reads the GoldMine formatted email with the form data.
You can see how it all works and give your GoldMine Database WebImport a test run using our test form at Try Form1 GoldMine.
Then use Form1 Builder GoldMine to add WebImport forms to your site. This software includes the base Form1 Builder plus an additional GoldMine WebImport feature.
The GoldMine WebImport feature formats the form data and adds processing instructions allowing a GoldMine database to recognize the import instructions in the email, and create a contact record with data captured from the web form, automatically.
To use this feature you must have the GoldMine Database then with one click you can build Default GoldMine Processing Code and process forms for GoldMine WebImport.
For GoldMine to read the form data email you need to setup the receiving email account in GoldMine, if you currently use GoldMine as your email handler this has already been done. If not from GoldMine go Edit, Preferences, Internet and input the data for your email i.e pop3, username, password, SMPT and Network details. These are the same as for your normal email.
For data to be imported into GoldMine the form field names must match with the applicable GoldMine Database field name. The script will process all delivered form fields but they will only be imported if names match. To see what field names are used by GoldMine from a record right click the field and select properties, you can also adjust field properties from here.
GoldMine will only import as much data as it can fit in the field to which it is imported. For example if you have a field named comments in your form and import this to the standard comments field in GoldMine only the first 65 characters will appear in the GoldMine comment field as this is the default size limit. You can set up Custom fields in GoldMine by going File, Configure, Custom Fields.
To import your form data email from GoldMine click on Mail Center, then Online. This will log on and display emails on your server. Select the Web Import email and then click Get to download from the mail server. When you do this the GoldMine Web Import email will automatically place the form information in your database.
You can then view the imported contact details by clicking Contact to view your database. GoldMine can be set to automatically retrieve emails and run automated processes, for details see the GoldMine help.
Form1 Builder GoldMine generates form processing code that runs on your web server. To run this code your server must support the php
the goldmine the form you can goldmine database form1 builder form data goldmine webimport builder goldmine will only for your field names the field from goldmine

Download Form1 Builder GoldMine 30
Download Form1 Builder GoldMine 30
Purchase: Buy Form1 Builder GoldMine 30
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