Fake Webcam 5.836
Fake Webcam - it will broadcast just one movie to all the messengers at once.
Fake Webcam - it will broadcast just one movie to all the messengers at once.
Stream/play videos and movies on Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Paltalk, ICQ, Camfrog, and on all messengers instead of actual Webcam. It stream videos and movies on your messenger just like an actual webcam.
You don't need to have a webcam for webcamming. Enjoy pretending someone you want to be. Your chat mate will never figure out that it's not a real webcam.
Fake Webcam features
actual webcam and movies videos and fake webcam

Download Fake Webcam 5.836
Purchase: Buy Fake Webcam 5.836
Authors software
Fake Webcam 5.836
Web Solution Mart
Fake Webcam - it will broadcast just one movie to all the messengers at once.
Webcam and Screen Recorder 8.1.999
Web Solution Mart
Webcam and Screen Recorder is helpful if you want to capture webcam sessions and save memories on your computer.
Kate's Video Toolkit 4.414
Web Solution Mart
Kate's Video Toolkit is all in one tool to all your video needs.
Similar software
Fake Webcam 5.836
Web Solution Mart
Fake Webcam - it will broadcast just one movie to all the messengers at once.
WebcamMax Full [With All Effects]
Stream videos, movies, flash, desktop screen, pictures to virtual webcam; add floating text, frame, transform, emotion effects over real webcam.
WebcamMax Standard
Stream videos, movies, flash, desktop screen, pictures to virtual webcam; add transform, emotion effects, floating text, frame, over real webcam.
Webcam and Screen Recorder 8.1.999
Web Solution Mart
Webcam and Screen Recorder is helpful if you want to capture webcam sessions and save memories on your computer.
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oRipa Yahoo Webcam Recorder is a handy utility that will record Yahoo webcam video and audio of chat partner to your PC hard disk so you can replay it in future.
1-More WebCam 1.2
1-More WebCam - get the most from a Webcam with our software.
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Webcam Uploader 2004 4.0
AC Software
The only tool you'll need to set up Your very OWN Online Webcam! Webcam Uploader is a Webcam Image Uploader.
WebStreamer 1.0
Lionhardt Technologies
WebCam Streamer allows you to stream video from any Webcam, or other video capturing device.
CoffeeCup WebCam 4.1
CoffeeCup Software, Inc.
CoffeeCup WebCam allows you to add live Webcam images to your Web site, quickly and easily.
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