Easy Search 1.5
Easy Search is a useful application that searches for the specified keywords on most popular search engines such as Yahoo, Google, Altavista and others.
Easy Search is a useful application that searches for the specified keywords on most popular search engines such as Yahoo, Google, Altavista and others.
Tips for Better Searching:
Specify words that must appear in the results
Attach a + in front words that must appear in result documents.
example: sting +police
Specify Words that Should Not Appear in the Results
Attach a - in front of words that must not appear in result documents
example: python -monty
Specify greater number in Do NNN steps inside found page. Search becomes slower, but program will find more pages for you.
Easy Search features
words that that must searches for for the the results results attach must appear documents example program will not appear specify words result documents altavista and

Download Easy Search 1.5
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