Ticker Editor 0.0.3
The Ticker Editor is a software application that can be used to create pretty much any kind of ticker.
The Ticker Editor is a software application that can be used to create pretty much any kind of ticker.
Ticker Editor features

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Authors software
wsTaskborg 0.1.4
Janis Elsts
wsTaskborg is a shareware tool that lets you organize the buttons on Windows taskbar by dragging them around, grouping and ungrouping them as you wish.
Ticker Editor 0.0.3
Janis Elsts
The Ticker Editor is a software application that can be used to create pretty much any kind of ticker.
Similar software
Ticker Editor 0.0.3
Janis Elsts
The Ticker Editor is a software application that can be used to create pretty much any kind of ticker.
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Gokhan Dagli
DHTML News Ticker is a professional highly configurable, single line news ticker.
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Tools Soft Solutions
News Ticker Features:
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StockTick - Stock Ticker 2005
StockTick 2005 is a free stock market ticker and portfolio manager to securely track your stocks and trades.
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PaintedBus Partners
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