Text2GED 1.1
Text2GED will quickly and accurately convert genealogy data displayed in a web browser into standard GEDCOM 5.
Text2GED will quickly and accurately convert genealogy data displayed in a web browser into standard GEDCOM 5.5 file format. Text2GED bridges the gap between genealogical information found on the internet and your genealogy database program.
Instead of manually typing in each little bit of genealogy data from your keyboard, with just a click of your mouse Text2GED lets you copy and paste entire pages full of data - page after page after page - and then automatically converts it all to standard GEDCOM 5.5 format for import into your favorite family tree program.
Manual entry of genealogy data is often tedious, tiresome, and time-consuming. Text2GED automates that part of the process, so your excitement at finding more branches of your family tree on the internet can remain undiminished by tedium and time constraints. Consider Text2GED as an exceedingly fast (and accurate!) typist and faithful scribe. A sup
genealogy data family tree and time after page page after standard gedcom the internet

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Authors software
Text2GED 1.1
RKS Consulting, Inc
Text2GED will quickly and accurately convert genealogy data displayed in a web browser into standard GEDCOM 5.
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Text2GED will quickly and accurately convert genealogy data displayed in a web browser into standard GEDCOM 5.
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