Tab Menu 2.1
Tab Menu is a useful flash menu that will easily change the look and functionality of your web site, it has a nice looking design and it can be customized very easy, you don't need flash skills, all you need to do is change the text in the XML file, you open the XML file with a text editor like notepad from windows and you change the button text, url to open or other options like colors, time to remain expanded, etc.
Tab Menu is a useful flash menu that will easily change the look and functionality of your web site, it has a nice looking design and it can be customized very easy, you don't need flash skills, all you need to do is change the text in the XML file, you open the XML file with a text editor like notepad from windows and you change the button text, url to open or other options like colors, time to remain expanded, etc.
If you want the menu to do more than just open web sites: it can be used for more actions like going to a certain key frame inside a flash file, stop there, play from there, load an external movie into a given clip, and sure it can also open a web page.
Menu will come with fla source file so you can customize it even more if you like.
The menu also has other options like:
- time to wait until the sub menus are hidden (milliseconds). e.g 5000 = 5 seconds.
- a search box can be activated in the menu, you can configure this search box to retrieve a given url and pass a certain variable name, variable value will be taken from text field.
- menu bar width
- line separator transparency
- buttons text
- button url to open
- target frame of url to open
the menu change the search box you can other options the xml xml file options like

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Authors software
Targa Menu 2.1
Targa menu XML is a useful menu made in flash but it does not require flash to run, you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page, it is a simple flash file (swf file), the menu can be customized by editing a configuration file (the XML file) that will be placed in the same directory with the menu, so you can customize the menu using any text editor.
Chrome menu XML 1.0
Chrome menu XML is a useful and easy to use flash menu that can be configured by an external XML file, edit this XML file with a text editor like notepad from Windows.
CX Nav Bar 2.1
CX Nav Bar is a useful navigation menu made in macromedia flash which is easy to use, all you have to do is insert the swf file in your web page like any other flash file and place the XML configuration file next to the page that contains the menu (flash file), you can edit the configuration (XML file) with a text editor like notepad from windows.
Micro Menu 2.1
Micro Menu is a useful and reliable menu made in flash but it does not require flash for customization; you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page and customize it.
Quick Menu 2.1
Quick Menu XML is a useful web menu that is made to be used as navigation system for your web site.
Similar software
Tab Menu 2.1
Tab Menu is a useful flash menu that will easily change the look and functionality of your web site, it has a nice looking design and it can be customized very easy, you don't need flash skills, all you need to do is change the text in the XML file, you open the XML file with a text editor like notepad from windows and you change the button text, url to open or other options like colors, time to remain expanded, etc.
Micro Menu 2.1
Micro Menu is a useful and reliable menu made in flash but it does not require flash for customization; you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page and customize it.
Targa Menu 2.1
Targa menu XML is a useful menu made in flash but it does not require flash to run, you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page, it is a simple flash file (swf file), the menu can be customized by editing a configuration file (the XML file) that will be placed in the same directory with the menu, so you can customize the menu using any text editor.
Quick Menu 2.1
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Chrome menu XML 1.0
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