SpamDummy! 1.0
SpamDummy! is a powerful and easy to use spam blocker for all POP3 email clients including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and more.
SpamDummy! is a powerful and easy to use spam blocker for all POP3 email clients including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and more.
SpamDummy! blocks spam, email viruses, and harmful content directly at the email server so that you never have to

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Authors software
SubmitDummy! Pro 3.80
SubmitDummy! Pro is a web site analysis and submission package to enhance a web site keyword content, improve ranking, and submit it to the major search engines.
FTPDummy! 4.80
FTPDummy! is the only ftp client to combine online editing and builtin previewing of files directly on the ftp site.
PopupDummy! 3.29
Protect your web browser from pop-ups, spyware, homepage hijackers, and harmful browser plug-ins with the latest version of PopupDummy!
PopupDummy! pop-up killer is the ultimate solution to stop those annoying popup windows, adware, and spyware that appear while you browse the web using Internet Explorer and Netscape.
InternetNotePad! 1.8
InternetNotePad! is just like the notepad program issued with Windows machines, but allows you to work over the Internet.
Startup Select 2.2
Startup Select is a powerful Windows startup manager.
Similar software
SpamDummy! 1.0
SpamDummy! is a powerful and easy to use spam blocker for all POP3 email clients including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and more.
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Jimmy's Value World, Inc.
Email Spam filter with the below features :
· Bounce messages from known spammers ,
· Compatible with Outlook and Outlook Express, other clients.
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