mnoGoSearch SQL
MnoGoSearch for Windows is a search engine designed to organize search
within a website, number of websites, intranet or local system.
MnoGoSearch for Windows is a search engine designed to organize search
within a website, number of websites, intranet or local system.
To search through documents you have to index them first using the indexer component of mnoGoSearch. Indexer is a spider that reads the documents you specify and stores information about words it finds in tables in a SQL database.
You can specify what kind (format) of documents to index, location of documents (a website, a directory on server, single webpage, etc.).
You can define the level of importance (weight) of various document properties and parts that are taken into account during searching.

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Authors software
mnoGoSearch SQL
Lavtech.Com Corp.
MnoGoSearch for Windows is a search engine designed to organize search
within a website, number of websites, intranet or local system.
mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro
Lavtech.Com Corp.
The unique features of our search engine are designed to provide search on Intranet or public Web sites so customers and visitors can quickly find and access virtually any information on a site or multiple sites.
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Lavtech.Com Corp.
MnoGoSearch for Windows is a search engine designed to organize search
within a website, number of websites, intranet or local system.
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MnoGoSearch for Windows is a useful search engine that was designed to organize search within a website, number of websites, intranet or local system.
mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro
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The unique features of our search engine are designed to provide search on Intranet or public Web sites so customers and visitors can quickly find and access virtually any information on a site or multiple sites.
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