Intranet File Sharing 1.0
Intranet File Sharing is a powerful utility designed to search local area network for all kinds of files.
Intranet File Sharing is a powerful utility designed to search local area network for all kinds of files. It helps you save your time and your money when you need to find some information in your Local Area Network (LAN). You can search for specific files or for files of a certain kind (e.g. you can search for documents or for multimedia files in your network). Intranet File Sharing is a client-server application, featuring a very fast web based search engine (search millions of files in a few seconds), ability to search hidden network resources or IP subnetworks. Using this professional solution, you will find in just a few seconds any necessary files in your network.
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Authors software
Intranet File Sharing 1.0
Intranet File Sharing is a powerful utility designed to search local area network for all kinds of files.
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Intranet File Sharing 1.0
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