ColorCache is a powerful yet easy to use color tool for designers and web site developers.
ColorCache is a powerful yet easy to use color tool for designers and web site developers. ColorCache incorporates a color scheme generator, color picker and palette management system. Despite it's power, ColorCache has been designed to be unobtrusive - it sits quitely in the system tray and can be called upon when needed with a simple mouse click or key press.
Use the built in color picker to select colors from web pages, photos or anywhere on your computer screen (or screens, if you use a multi-monitor setup). The color picker tool has a built-in magnifier, and can be invoked with a single key press - you don't even need to have ColorCache on-screen to use the dropper.
Colors can be organised into palettes, and further sorted into palette collections. You can save your palettes in xml format, and export in a variety of formats including Photoshop (.ACT, .ACO), MS PAL (.PAL), Illustrator (.AI) and Freehand (.ACF)
ColorCache has a powerful palette builder tool that allows you to generate beautiful color schemes from a single color. Simply choose a source color and select one of the built-in color formulas to instantly generate a complete set of compatible colors. Choose from harmonies, complements, analogous colours and much more. Adjust the source color using the sliders or color wheel and watch your color scheme change before your eyes from vibrant colors to subtle pastel shades.
ColorCache comes with a wide range of color formulas, but if you can't find what you want you can easily edit existing formulas or define your own using ColorCache's powerful formula editor. You can even reverse engineer formulas from an existing color scheme.
Palettes and color schemes can be previewed in printable on-line charts, or in real web pages. A number of html preview pages are provided with ColorCache, but you can easily add your own.
ColorCache features
you can your own color schemes define your color scheme web pages color picker color formulas can easily photoshop color real web source color your color

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Technology Lighthouse
ColorCache is a powerful yet easy to use color tool for designers and web site developers.
Technology Lighthouse
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