CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker 5.0
CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker is a handy application that will allow you to construct full-featured cascading style sheets, giving you full control of text placement, fonts, backgrounds, and more.
CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker is a handy application that will allow you to construct full-featured cascading style sheets, giving you full control of text placement, fonts, backgrounds, and more.
You just have to change the tag definitions in the CSS file, because each Web page will look to that file for reference in terms of how to set itself up.
You'll also be able to overlap text, create links that aren't underlined, place image backgrounds in tables, and even create your own tags with the functions you assign them.

Download CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker 5.0
Download CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker 5.0
Purchase: Buy CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker 5.0
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