OxygenBag Home 2.5.1
OxygenBag is the engine for fast automatic photograph color correction and image enhancement.
OxygenBag is the engine for fast automatic photograph color correction and image enhancement. Color correction is performed under user selected standard.
To make color correction, you choose photograph - standard, tune up the filter and get the result.
OxygenBag Advantages
Skin filters.
In most cases, there is no need for you to choose anything on the photograph. You just tune up two (!) extremely rarely three filters, and the program finds human skin itself.
Approximate Selection.
In some cases, it is necessary to separate the skin search area however. Then you indicate it approximately like saying "face has to be somewhere here". Precise indication of this place is absolutely redundant.
Automatic Skin Brightness (Light) Control.
You can adjust skin brightness to that of the standard additionally to the changes of skin color.
Automatic Total Brightness and Contrast Control.
It operates under original failure-free algorithm.
Color Correction Basic Channels.
You can choose basic color channel. All changes in colors to be performed will related to it. This ability allows to avoid flood of bright areas of a snapshot.
Adjusted White Clipper
enables to adjust a degree of change in color in terms of saturation of photograph specified details. In other words, you can change a face color while staying a shirt snow white and a coat grey.
color correction you can skin brightness

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Authors software
OxygenBag 2.5.1
OxygenBag is the engine for fast automatic photograph color correction and face adaptive cropping.
OxygenBag Home 2.5.1
OxygenBag is the engine for fast automatic photograph color correction and image enhancement.
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OxygenBag is the engine for fast automatic photograph color correction and face adaptive cropping.
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