multimedia › audio tag editors software
Mp3 Name Fix 1.0
Roundabout Software
Mp3 Name Fix is a useful MP3 file organizer utility.
Zortam ID3 Tag Editor 5.50
Zortam ID3 Tag Editor is a library that will help you keep your Mp3's organized.
Jaikoz 1.6.1
Jaikoz has been specifically created for managing large music collections.
Tag Tinker 1.0
Keve Zoller
A unique, full-featured tag editor and file renamer for MP3 and WMA files, featuring the most comprehensive support available of tag versions, frames, and fields.
Mp3 File Editor V5.11
MPX center
MP3 File Editor offers an impressive solution to managing your digital music collection on your hard drive.
LatHack Audio Tag Editor 1.1
This little tool will help you create, remove and modify tags for your audio files.
MP3rat 1.0 Build 234
Kaylon Technologies Inc.
MP3rat is feature packed piece of software.
TagSmart 1.2.39
TagSmartis an application that will help you add, edit and remove ID3 tag data.
Mp3 Tag Magic Renamer 1.0
Qiqi Soft
Mp3 Tag Magic Renamer will help you to rename all your mp3 files quickly and easily.
Audio Catalog 4.8
Digital Action
If you have a big music collection or your collection is on CD/DVD disks - this program is for you! Audio Catalog is a powerful and reliable software that will help you to find a musical track for a few seconds.
Music Xpert Tag Editor 2.80
Music Xpert
Music Xpert tag editor is a professional software solution for audio file tags editing.
MP3 Rectifier 1.6.8
MP3 Rectifier allows you tag multiple MP3s at once with images and text using ID3 and rename them according to these tags.
Music Fancier 1.3
Music Fancier is a designed for music files management.
GoldLeo MP3 Tag Editor 4.1
Gold Leo Software Inc.
GoldLeo MP3 Tag Editor is an easy to use MP3 tag editor supporting ID3V1.
One-click Tag Editor 1.2
Streamware Development
One-click Tag Editor is an easy-to-use software developed according to "One-click" concept.
Mp3 WoYun 1.817
When you download Mp3 files from Internet, up to 70% of the files' names would be: 200506JHU.
Power ID3 Editor 1.02
Power ID3 Editor is a full featured and ease-to-use tag editor for MP3, WMA and OGG files.
Phoebus 1.0
Phoebus is an ID3 tag editor, file renamer and file manager.
WMAinfo 1.75
If so, you need WMAinfo's powerful features to organize your MP3 and WMA collection.
Tag Backup & Restore 1.0.10
Keve Zoller
If you’re a serious audiofile you’ve invested considerable time and effort in your tags.
Audio Tag Editor 1.9
ABF software, Inc.
Audio Tag Editor is a powerful tool to edit tags of audio files.
TagTuner 2.0.1833
TagTuner is a useful tag utility with the help of which you can organize and play your digital music collection.
MP3 ID3 Tag & Filename Format Change Software 6.0
MP3 ID3 Tag & Filename Format Change Software lets you rename MP3 filenames that you download from file sharing programs.
WUTG editor 1.0.6
WUTG editor is a multi-lyrics editor for Ogg, MP3, WMA.
4-MP3 2.4
Dmitry Kovalenko
4-MP3 is a database manager that you can use for storing and searching information on collections of MP3, VQF, WAV and other sound files.