PCSummarizer 2005
PCSummarizer places critical system information right on your screen where you can clearly see it all the time.
PCSummarizer places critical system information right on your screen where you can clearly see it all the time. Information that is shown is user configurable and you can even hide the display with the click of your mouse. Or you can simply click and drag the display to a different location on your screen.
Information that can be displayed includes operating system information, owner information, system uptime (time since system was started), total and available physical memory and memory load, total and available paging file, total and available hard drive space (per hard drive), network connection transfer rates and IP addresses (per connection) and CPU usage.
The display is fully configurable. You can select the font, font color and all other related properties. You can also select the background color of the display or make it transparent. The display can be given various degrees of transparency making it even more unobtrusive.
You can move the display to any location on your screen. All your settings and preferences will be remembered when you log off or restart your PC. PCSummarizer 2005 truly is a very useful program.
Utilizes Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
you can the display and available your screen total and select the hard drive information that system information

Download PCSummarizer 2005
Download PCSummarizer 2005
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