Magic MP3 Tagger 2.2.4
Your MP3 files are named incorrectly or in different ways? You don't want to listen to "Track01" files any more? Your music collection is messed? The correct release year of some files is missing? You've come to the right place.
Your MP3 files are named incorrectly or in different ways? You don't want to listen to "Track01" files any more? Your music collection is messed? The correct release year of some files is missing? You've come to the right place.
Magic MP3 Tagger is a great program that was specially designed to identify and sort your music collection, which is a different approach than other tagging applications use. Magic MP3 Tagger does all the work for you by using a high sophisticated music identification algorithm!
In short, it's the tool you need to bring your music collection in order!
Identify your MP3 files automatically
How long would it take you to manually go through all of your music and type in the correct information? With Magic MP3 Tagger, your entire music collection can be fixed and organized automatically. This is possible by using a powerful dynamic identification algorithm which combines available song data with an internal music database under consideration of different naming patterns and similarities, various artist albums, compilation discs, known common misspellings and much more. This core identification process needs no internet connection and is therefore extremely fast.
Edit MP3 tags
Magic MP3 Tagger makes editting your songs tags easy. You can edit all common ID3 tag fields like artist, album, title, release year, track number and so on. Updating the tags of many files at once is possible with just one click. Magic MP3 Tagger will read and save both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags to your MP3 files, where all ID3 tag versions from 1.0 to 2.4 are supported.
Music database support
Magic MP3 Tagger comes with a high-quality built-in music database. This database stores the albums and songs of the 5 most known bands and artists on earth, which possibly is the bulk of your music collection. This has three big advantages: speed, speed and speed.
Magic MP3 Tagger also supports online databases.
freedb is accessed via their protocol version 6, which brings unicode support and allows the identification of completely unknown albums by computing a so-called DiscID.
MusicBrainz allows full-text search for any artist, album or song title. MusicBrainz also serves as data source for the internal music database.
Clean up your music collection
Using Magic MP3 Tagger, you can easily organize thousands of music files on your hard disk. You just have to define how you would like to name your files (for example "Artist - Album - Track number - Title") and how your folder structure should look like (for example "Artist Album"). There is an extra mode for various artist albums, and Magic MP3 Tagger detects duplicate files and offers the possibility to move them to a special duplicates directory. Further, you can use sort-able artist names like "Offspring, The" and "Joplin, Janis". Case, bracket, space and track number formatting as well as text replacing is also supported.
Easy to use
Magic MP3 Tagger is easy to use and assists you editing your files as good as possible:
Incorrectly named songs are automatically detected and highlighted.
Diverse tagging modes are differed within the same user interface.
The clear tree view allows you to preview your files in exactly the same way as they will appear on your hard disk after the renaming process.
You can graphically adjust the automatic file and folder name interpretation.
Menu items and buttons are clearly labeled and just do what you would expect them to.
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Download Magic MP3 Tagger 2.2.4
Download Magic MP3 Tagger 2.2.4
Purchase: Buy Magic MP3 Tagger 2.2.4
Authors software
Magic MP3 Tagger 2.2.4
Magic MP3 Tagger
Your MP3 files are named incorrectly or in different ways? You don't want to listen to "Track01" files any more? Your music collection is messed? The correct release year of some files is missing? You've come to the right place.
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