SP_SC 3.01
SP_SC is a useful and reliable panoramic converter, for one spherical or circle panorama, Converter to transfer any panorama to ready PE/EXE file with internal panoramic viewer.
SP_SC is a useful and reliable panoramic converter, for one spherical or circle panorama, Converter to transfer any panorama to ready PE/EXE file with internal panoramic viewer. This product is from a series =the best choice of a real estate agent=. The Converter uses for transformation any spherical panoramas and circle panoramas with height of image not less than 400 pixel. Internal panoramic viewer made with 32 - MMX ASM code. It have approximately size 25kb, and you receive ready PE/EXE panorama with small size.
The converter has preview mode of panoramas, test mode and also also batch multi-convertation mode (convertation of the list of panoramas). As the additional feature of the converter - user can choose colour of a background for =windows= of a convertible panorama, and also to add the textual information to a panorama, at a rate of up to 400 symbols. The converter made in two kinds - GUI and Console (DOS window). Zoom in/out panoramas. The converter differs by very simple use, that has resulted to special popularity of this product. It is recommended to use for real estate business.
the converter and also real estate this product panoramic viewer internal panoramic

Download SP_SC 3.01
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