Icon Butler 1.600
IconButler has many functions to manage icons.
IconButler has many functions to manage icons. IconButler is using 'Icon Library' file format (extension '*.ICL' ). In this 'icon container' you can save icons needing disk space like a zip file without unzipping the file getting a single icon from it...
IconButler handles 256 colors icons () and 16x16 pixel icons too. To edit an icon using the right mouse key context menu you have to associate the '*.ICO' extension with an Icon Editor. Additionally it is possible to extract Icon from files (*.DLL, *.EXE).

Download Icon Butler 1.600
Purchase: Buy Icon Butler 1.600
Authors software
Icon Butler 1.600
Neuhaus13 Software
IconButler has many functions to manage icons.
Similar software
Icon Butler 1.600
Neuhaus13 Software
IconButler has many functions to manage icons.
PC Icon Grabber 3.2
PC Icon Grabber allows you to explore, or "grab" Windows icons include XP icons from inside of EXE, DLL, DRV, SCR and ICO files on your computer and save them into ICO and Icon Library file as well.
SuperIcon 5.1
ABBSoft Team
SuperIcon is a useful and professional icon management and converter utility with the help of which you can:
Manage icon libraries: you can create as many icon libraries as you wish, each libraries contain collector or author's information, icon library can be locked; you can clean up (delete duplicate icons) icon libraries very fast.
Pc Icon Extractor 4.3
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Icon Grabber Team
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IconView Pro 3.2
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Exe Icon Changer 7.1734
Executable File Icons Changer - the tool that allows you by means of only several mouse clicks to replace a lot of icons of separate program with those you do like.
ICL-Icon Extractor 5.14
Icon Empire
ICL-Icon Extractor is an application that allows you to search for and extract icons.
Apear Icon Maker 6.5
Pear Software
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Codexcel - Tailored Software
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Iconic Tray 1.21
dnSoft Research Group
Iconic Tray is a small progrram that allows you minimize any window either to the system tray (notification area - Windows XP), or to a special new tray provided by Iconic Tray.
E-Icons 4.15
Giovanni La Sala
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XP Icons 3.0
Camtech 2000, Ltd.
Give your Win98/Me/Win2k System icons the look of XP by changing your Start menu, Drives, Desktop, Folders and various file type icons to XP.