Flash Screen Saver 5.1736
Flash Screen Saver will play flash movies as screensaver.
Flash Screen Saver will play flash movies as screensaver. Flash Screen Saver is a screensaver which can play flash movies.
All the flash movies you like can be added to its play-list. And it allows you to set all these movies' options such as background colors, qualities and so on. These flash movies can be played one by one or together.
Certainly it is not only a flash player but also a screensaver. All the screensaver options can also be modified. You will have your own wonderful screen saver.
There are so many interesting flash movie on net. Save them and add them to the Flash Screen Saver's play-list. And your own screen saver is created so easily and quickly.
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Download Flash Screen Saver 5.1736
Download Flash Screen Saver 5.1736
Purchase: Buy Flash Screen Saver 5.1736
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