Extreme Punch 2.3
Extreme Punch is a VST plugin that was designed to warm up your digital recordings and create the dynamics that only analog tape previously could.
Extreme Punch is a VST plugin that was designed to warm up your digital recordings and create the dynamics that only analog tape previously could.
We recommend using Extreme Punch on Bass and other low frequency instruments as well as tracks that sound too bright or harsh.
.Unlike many analog emulators, Extreme Punch comes closest to emulating these dynamics.
We believe these dynamics are responsible for the characteristic that made analog tape so listenable.
All of the plugins designed by RSO are what we call production effects. Unlike standard effects, production effects incorporate a mode of operation that emulates music production concepts that have become “classic” (like analog tape).
Another example is our Vocal Magic effect, VM is a blend of several effects setup precisely in sequence as well as timing and modulation to create a vintage style vocal sound that has been popular for decades but not affordable to obtain.
Our goal is to make good sound and music production more achievable and cost effective.
Extreme Punch was designed to be used on bass, guitars and low frequency drums such as kick drum and toms. It was not designed to be used on vocals.
Extreme Punch will add a very musical density and warmth to your recordings when used correctly.
Unlike many of our plugins Extreme Punch should be used as an insert and not a send.
extreme punch analog tape production effects music production these dynamics low frequency was designed unlike many

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Recording School Online
Extreme Punch is a VST plugin that was designed to warm up your digital recordings and create the dynamics that only analog tape previously could.
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