ZipTV 1.16
ZipTV is the most comprehensive collection of compression related components for Borland C++ Builder.
ZipTV is the most comprehensive collection of compression related components for Borland C++ Builder. ZipTV contains components for compression, decompression, password retrieval, self extracting archives, search, error detection, archive conversion and more.
The ZipTV component itself provides a common interface to all compression and decompression components. Our libraries are much more than a set of zip and unzip components. You can create 8 archive formats and extract 15, create SFXs, search, test and convert archives.
ZipTV is much more than a set of zip and unzip components.
Supporting a wider range of popular archives & compression algorithms than any other component package, and even utilities like WinZip!
Compression and encoding components
TBlakHole - Create blakhole archives (our own archive format).
TBZip - Create BZIP2 archives
TGZip - Create unix compatible gzip archives. Supports gzip/tar format.
TLha - Create lha archives.
TJar - Create jar archives (JavaSoft's .jar format).
TCab - Create Microsoft cabinet archives.
TTar - Create unix compatible .tar archives.
TZip - Create pkzip and Winzip compatible archives, incl. AES encryption and BZIP2 compression.
TZipSplitter - Decendant of the TZip component and combines the TArchiveSplitter component to create user specified sized multi-volume archives while compressing a .zip archive.
TUUEncode - Create UUE and XXE encoded files for e-mail compatibility.
Decompression and decoding components
TUnACE - Decompress .ace archives.
TUnARC - Decompress .arc archives.
TUnARJ - Decompress .arj archives.
TUnBH - Decompress .bh (BlakHole) archives.
TUnBZip - Decompress .bz2 archives.
TUnCAB - Decompress Microsoft .cab archives.
TUnGZIP - Decompress .gz, .z and .tgz archives.
TUnJar - Decompress .jar archives (JavaSoft's .jar format).
TUnLHA - Decompress .lha and .lzh archives.
TUnRAR - Decompress .rar archives.
TUnTAR - Decompress .tar archives.
TUnZIP - Decompress .zip archives (backward compatible with pkzip .90).
TUnZOO - Decompress .zoo archives.
TUUDecode - Decode UUE and XXE encoded files.
Helper components
TArc2Arc - Convert one archive type to another (also useful for rebuilding archives). Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TArchiveEditor - Change an archive's compressed filenames, dates, and file attributes. Supports wildcard edits. Supports .bh, .zip, .jar, .lha, .lzh, and .tar archives.
TArchiveSplitter - Splits already existing archives. Currently, only zip archives are supported.
TMakeSfx - Create SFX's (SelF eXtracting) archives. Supports 9 different archive formats.
TRegArchive - Register archive extensions with your application.
TTurboSearch - Search entire directories of archives for specific text. Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TUnSFX - Cut the SFX stub's from archives, returning the file to native archive format. Approx. 10 archive types supported.
TZipCheck - Verify integrity of multiple archive types.
TZipKey - Retrieve "forgotten" passwords from zip archives.
TZipRun - Shell component for extracting and running files from within archives.
TTurboSearch - Search entire directories of archives for specific text. Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TZipTV - Archive viewer. Front-end for all compress / decompress components
TZipView - Display archive information in list format. Replaces slow TListView.
TztvFindFile - Find specific files (wildcards supported) within archives. Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TztvFileScan - Search directories for archives.
archive types types supported zip archives tar archives archives approx encoded files uue and and xxe xxe encoded tturbosearch search text approx within archives specific text

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Authors software
BitZipper 5.0.4
Bitberry Software
BitZipper is an advanced data compression tool for Windows that enables you to unzip 20 different compression and encoding formats with superior ease-of-use.
ZipTV 1.16
Bitberry Software
ZipTV is the most comprehensive collection of compression related components for Borland C++ Builder.
Similar software
ZipTV 1.16
Bitberry Software
ZipTV is the most comprehensive collection of compression related components for Borland C++ Builder.
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Thinking Digital
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ComponentAce LLC
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