Super Text Search 2.85
Super Text Search is a tool which allows you to quickly search files for text.
Super Text Search is a tool which allows you to quickly search files for text.
You can search anything from a single file to an entire drive for any text you need to find.
Both plain text files (program source code, batch files, HTML files, etc.) and binary files (word processing and spreadsheet documents, PDF files, databases, even executable programs) can be searched, as can files archived inside ZIP, CAB or RAR files.
In addition to simple searches for words or phrases, the program allows you to use regular expressions (as found in Grep utilities, which will be familiar to the more technical among you) to perform more advanced searches including wild cards and various types of pattern matching.
After performing a search, files containing the search text can be viewed, edited or opened in their associated applications. Search results can also be printed or exported.
text you search files allows you

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