StartMenu 1.5
StartMenu - the program for fast, convenient and visual start of programs.
StartMenu - the program for fast, convenient and visual start of programs. - program as much as possible accelerates start of the necessary programs (with the help of the special menu) - excludes search of programs in a network and on a disk - provides fast and convenient administration of the list of started programs. - appreciablly accelerates start of programs.
Probably you faced with a problem when all established programs are not located on one screen. It was necessary to spend a lot of time for start of the program and if you enter into the Internet programs it is necessary to start at once pieces five. In due course to work begins completely inconveniently.
Therefore was and this program is written. Having established it and having adjusted, you can safely remove all icons from "Working table", overlook about button "Start-up". Now all programs can be started from a uniform environment.
With help StartMenu it is possible to start not only programs, but also to open files of the registered types in Windows (avi, bmp, txt, doc, mp3, htm...) provided that at you the software for work with these files is established. And in detail having described in the comment that this or that program makes, you always will is sure, that start that is necessary.
Interface StartMenu is simple and clear. Having spent no more half an hour, you will easily adjust the program, and it will save to you in the future much more time. Do not overlook to edit periodically only the list of started appendices on a measure of installation of new programs or removals old and then you will feel a difference:)...
the program you will program and the list accelerates start

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