Spell Catcher Plus 3.0 build 1842

Spell Catcher Plus 3.0 build 1842 Screenshot Spell Catcher Plus is a tool that provides spell checking as you type for all your Windows programs.

Developer:   Rainmaker Research Inc.
      software by Rainmaker Research Inc. →
Price:  39.00  buy →
License:   Trial
File size:   0K
OS:   Windows Vista (?)
Rating:   0 /5 (0 votes)

Spell Catcher Plus is a tool that provides spell checking as you type for all your Windows programs.

Spell Catcher Plus can be used instead of or along with any built-in checking capabilities that an application (like Microsoft Word) may already include.

Here are some key features of "Spell Catcher Plus":

  • Check your spelling as you type
  • Quickly access a Dictionary and Thesaurus so you can find just the right word when you need it... easily replacing any word already typed.
  • Helps you to type much faster by expanding shortcuts you've created into phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs. This is a favorite on the job task, eliminating the need for you to type the same thing repeatedly into a document, form, or spreadsheet.
  • Performs checking on text selections that you've already typed, received from somebody else, or taken from the Internet. As errors are detected, Spell Catcher asks you how to deal with them. The corrected text is then pasted back into the application.
  • Processes text selections including counting the number of words, sentences, capitalizing sentences, removing multiple spaces, search and replace text strings, get statistics, convert case and more.
  • Goes with you to each application you use, so if you've taught it words to ignore (like your last name) or have useful shortcut expansions that save you typing time, they will be available with every application you use.
  • Spell Catcher is also a multi-lingual tool. It can check your words if you're working in nine different languages. All you have to do is select your language from the pop-up menu.
  • Spell Catcher waits in the back ground until you want it, not taking up valuable screen space. In fact the only indication you know it's working is by seeing a little yellow checkmark in the corner of the screen.

  • 30 days trial.

    tags spell catcher  catcher plus  application you  you use  from the  already typed  you type  check your  text selections  

    Spell Catcher Plus 3.0 build 1842 screenshot

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    Spell Catcher Plus 3.0 build 1842 Spell Catcher Plus 3.0 build 1842
    Rainmaker Research Inc.

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