Speak I.D. 1.0
Speak I.
Speak I.D. will manage your calls with ease. With Speak I.D. your computer can speak the callers name and number on an incoming call and popup a picture of the caller. Don't want a call from someone?
Speak I.D. will automatically hang-up on blocked calls, out-of-area calls, a specific caller, telemarketers, or callers not in your phonebook. You can leave a typed message for a caller or record your own personal message. If you don't want to be bothered with calls you can schedule a time frame for the phone not to ring.
Speak I.D. also has the ability to pause music when it detects an incoming call and continue playing the music after the call is complete. If you are not at home, Speak I.D. can send your call log to you while you are away. You can set up a variety of alerts if someone calls such as: Execute a program or sound, send a text message or e-mail when a call is from a specific number, or call a phone number and speak a message.
you can you are call and incoming call

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