Recipe Cleaner 2.2
Recipe Cleaner erases unwanted information from any recipe, and leaves behind a clean, consistently formatted recipe.
Recipe Cleaner erases unwanted information from any recipe, and leaves behind a clean, consistently formatted recipe.
Recipe Cleaner has special provisions for cleaning up MasterCook and Meal-Master recipes.
Recipe Cleaner creates a neat, uniform recipe, from the many badly written recipes available on the Internet. As an example: recipe quantities can be abbreviated many ways, Tablespoons for instance can be written as Tbsp, tbsp, T, TBSP, tbs., tbsp., tbsps, tbs, tbls and more...
With one click of the button Recipe Cleaner goes to work replacing hundreds of words and characters to make your recipes look great throughout your collection.Recipe Cleaner saves an unbelievable amount of time, and by removing unwanted text and reducing the recipe's content, it saves file size as well.
If you have hundreds, or maybe thousands of recipes, this can really improve hard drive space and software performance. You can clean one or many recipes at a time (aprox. 30 recipes).Recipe Cleaner has Spell Checking and Built-In Help.This is a marvelous tool if you download recipes from the Internet or you have a collection of MasterCook Mac recipes.
You'll use it over and over again.Here's what Recipe Cleaner doesn't do...It doesn't directly import recipes files that have been exported from MasterCook and Meal-Master. However,
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