Liquid View 2.06
Users' Challenge
Today's Windows® based notebooks and computer displays are capable of much higher resolution.
Users' Challenge
Today's Windows® based notebooks and computer displays are capable of much higher resolution. They're designed to show as much as 4 times the amount of information on the same size screens as before. The advantage is more information can be shown at once, images look more like photographs, graphics are much sharper and better defined. The trade-off is everything is shrunk in size to fit on the screen including icons, menus, and application tools which make it more difficult to navigate and read menu items. Think of the newer high-resolution displays like your daily newspaper having 4 times as many columns as before - more information, but more challenging to read.
Liquid View bridges all the benefits of high-resolution with better legibility of Windows interface elements. Liquid View allows a user to scale the size of icons, menus, and application tools independent of the application window without changing the display resolution. The result is icons are more distinctive, menus are easier to read, and tools are simpler to navigate without reducing the amount of information displayed on the screen. Liquid View does not scale bit mapped images or graphics so they will always look their best.
How It Works
Liquid View is a software utility that manipulates the display registers and preference settings within the Windows operating system. This utility manages a tightly coupled relationship between icons, text, and application tools producing 11 different scaling values that allow a user to select the "best fit" for their viewing requirements. With the touch of a button in the Liquid View interface, the screen will immediately scale - it's that simple!
liquid view and application the screen application tools the display high resolution menus and more information icons menus the amount

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Liquid View 2.06
Portrait Displays Inc
Users' Challenge
Today's Windows® based notebooks and computer displays are capable of much higher resolution.
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