Learn Visual Basic .NET 2.0
Microsoft's Visual Basic .
Microsoft's Visual Basic .NET is NOT a new version of Visual Basic - it is a completely new product that requires all VB programmers to take a look at their applications. To help programmers make the transition to Visual Basic .NET, KIDware offers LEARN VISUAL BASIC .NET, a comprehensive look at application development with Visual Basic .NET.
LEARN VISUAL BASIC .NET is a ten week course (plus one bonus class) that covers object-oriented programming concepts, the Visual Basic .NET integrated development environment, building and distributing Windows applications (using the new .NET Framework), error handling, sequential file access, graphics, multimedia, advanced topics such as web access, printing, and HTML help system authoring. The course also introduces database applications (using ADO.NET) and migrating applications to the web (using the new Web Form). An appendix comparing and contrasting Visual Basic .NET with Visual Basic 6 is included to ease the transition for current VB programmers. This curriculum is used in a major university's introductory Visual B
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