Gate-and-Way Backup 2.2
Backup all your LAN's data in once.
Backup all your LAN's data in once. Automatic, Simple, Client/Server
Each day of the week will have its own online backup, automatically copying the data contained either in the Gate-and-Way server, or in the network computers.
You will never lose any data due to hard disk crashes either at the server side or at the client one.
Other modules included on the Gate-and-Way Package are:
- MAIL: Powerful and integrated with shared folders and personal folders for internal u
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Download Gate-and-Way Backup 2.2
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Authors software
Gate-and-Way 2.2
Gate-and-Way - to be connected to the world has never been so easy and safe.
Gate-and-Way Mail 2.2
An internal mail server to store all your company's messages.
Gate-and-Way Fax 2.2
The Gate-and-Way fax service allows you to use one or more faxmodems and one or more telephone lines to send and receive faxes.
Gate-and-Way Backup 2.2
Backup all your LAN's data in once.
Gate-and-Way Internet 2.2
Quiet navigation, with the safety of a powerful firewall, using only one account with your ISP for all the users on the LAN.
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Backup all your LAN's data in once.
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Gate-and-Way Fax 2.2
The Gate-and-Way fax service allows you to use one or more faxmodems and one or more telephone lines to send and receive faxes.
Gate-and-Way 2.2
Gate-and-Way - to be connected to the world has never been so easy and safe.
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Gate-and-Way Internet 2.2
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Gate-and-Way Mail 2.2
An internal mail server to store all your company's messages.
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