Daily Backup 2.08 (rel b)
Daily Backup quickly creates zip archives of just the changed (or created) files.
Daily Backup quickly creates zip archives of just the changed (or created) files. Once you've set it up, you'll barely notice your safety net.
Schedule your backups: as soon as you changed (or created) a file, at fixed time periods, when the screen saver is running, or on the end of the session.
Note that Daily Backup does not actively check your hard drives, that would place an additional burden to your system; it merely observes the operating system if it changes (or creates) a file. Watch your hard drive busy light, if you don't touch a file, Daily Backup won't access your hard drive!
You'll see how the generations of your important files evolve; and you can go back to a previous generation any particular file whenever you want.
In case of disaster, when you have to restore your files, Daily Backup uses a reverse retrieval scheme: it retrieves the most current version of a file first, and skips this file in the other (older) archiv
daily backup your hard hard drive

Download Daily Backup 2.08 (rel b)
Download Daily Backup 2.08 (rel b)
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Authors software
Daily Backup 2.08 (rel b)
Daily Backup quickly creates zip archives of just the changed (or created) files.
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ftp 4 webmasters - accelerates file transfer by multithreading: it opens several ftp connections to a host, while a connection waits for an answer, the other connection may transfer data; this accelerates the download, upload, or synchronization of websites.
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