Copy and Restore 1.20
Copy and Restore is a software for recovering data from damaged non-stable media.
Copy and Restore is a software for recovering data from damaged non-stable media.
After copying from corrupted media, part of information should be lost, but you can copy data-file as a whole. It means, that: At copying media-data (video, pictures, or music), some frames (parts of picture) should be lost, but you can copy all file as a whole to your HDD. At copying archives some files should be lost, but you can extract other files. At copying large data in non-stable connection you may use "Appending copying". If connection was lost, reconnect and copy your file again but in dialog, select "Append the file".
Important: don't edit input or output files until copy process shell be done.
Copy and Restore supports resumed downloads from the remote PC if connection was broken during the copy process.
Main features:
- Recovers data as much as possible. Even if the standard copying methods reject the process:
** Some files may consist not very important data in the damaged zone: you can read e-books, listen music, see movies with only brief disadvantages when reading process reaches the damaged block. You still able to restore some files from damaged archive or even run an executable files, if the corrupted data is not reached code section or important data. Anyway, you have a chance. Why lose it?
- Recovers data from the network drives:
** You haven't time to download large file from the remote computer? Don't worry: you needn't download this file from begin next time: just run the Copy and Restore and your downloading will be resumed from the last point when the process was broken.
·IBM-PC compatible computer
·Windows(tm) 98 or above.
you can from the some files copy and lost but but you and restore recovers data the copy file from the damaged important data the process

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