Cleantouch School Management System 2.0
School Management System aimed to provide complete computerized operations in any school.
School Management System aimed to provide complete computerized operations in any school.
Students can be managed through Bio-Data (GR No. Allotment), Attendance, Fees, Examination, Leaving modules. Staff records can be computerized by Bio-Data > Staff Salary > Leaving modules. Accounting module is integrated with all other modules to getting rid of transaction duplication.
Inputs: Shift Registration, Levels Registration, Student Registration, Staff Designations, Staff Registration, Accounts Registration, Examination Types, Receipts / Payment Voucher, Fees Receipts, Examination Transactions, Attendance Types, Daily Attendance (Student), Daily Attendance (Staff), Leaving Certificate
Outputs: Accounts List, Receipt / Payment Vouchers Report, Students Receipt (Single), Students Receipt (Multiple), Student Receipt Report, Staff Payment Voucher, Student Ledger, Receivable Statement, Month wise Receivable Sheet, Ledger Account, Trial Balance (2 Column), Trial Balance (6 Column), Profit & Loss, Shifts List, Levels List, Student Complete List, Student Contact Sheet, Student Attendance Status, Staff List, Staff Attendance Status, Attendance Register - Students, Attendance Register - Staff, Daily Attendance Status - Students, Daily Attendance Status - Staff, Result Card (Full Year Detail), Result Card (Single Exam Report), Mark sheet, Provisional Certificate, Leaving Certificate, Staff Service Cerficate, Birth Certificate, Pass / Fail Report
daily attendance attendance status status staff attendance register result card list student students receipt leaving modules payment voucher leaving certificate bio data trial balance

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