Chemical Equation Expert 2.12a
Chemical Equation Expert is an integrated tool for chemistry professionals and students to solve chemical equation problems.
Chemical Equation Expert is an integrated tool for chemistry professionals and students to solve chemical equation problems. It provides several powerful functions you have dreamed for long:
1.Balances chemical equations quickly. An equation as complicated as: 119H2+18Ca(CN)2+6NaAlF4+12FeSO4+6MgSiO3+6KI
+2H3PO4+12PbCrO4+24BrCl+6CF2Cl2+24SO2 = 12PbBr2+12CrCl3+6MgCO3+6KAl(OH)4+12Fe(SCN)3+
2PI3+6NaSiO3+18CaF2+110H2O can be balanced in no time! So, balancing chemical equations will not be your nightmare but a piece of cake from now on.
2.A build-in equation search engine lets you find an equation or make a summary of a certain type of reactions easily.
3.Calculates the mass mole of the compounds of a selected equation automatically. Uses the Stoico-metric coefficients, reaction consumption to calculate the amounts/masses of compounds.
chemical equations equation

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Authors software
Chemical Equation Expert 2.12a
Chemical Equation Expert is an integrated tool for chemistry professionals and students to solve chemical equation problems.
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