Battery Status 1.01
Battery Status is a user-friendly program for laptops, which shows you information about your battery's charge.
Battery Status is a user-friendly program for laptops, which shows you information about your battery's charge. It places itself near your Windows taskbar, and tells you how much battery charge you have.
It shows you how much percent and minutes you may operate with your current battery charge until full discharge. If you are operating with the AC cable, Battery Status automatically sees it and shows you total chargement percent.
Battery Status is very easy to use. With one double-click, you hide the battery status dialog, and with one double-click, you may display it again. Battery Status runs on every Windows family.
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battery status shows you one double click you with one double click battery charge you how how much you may

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Authors software
Battery Status 1.01
Yilmaz Ulughan
Battery Status is a user-friendly program for laptops, which shows you information about your battery's charge.
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