Art Directory Print 3.1
The program prints directory and CD or DVD listings or saves them as the HTML files, which you can send by email or publish to web.
The program prints directory and CD or DVD listings or saves them as the HTML files, which you can send by email or publish to web. It adds itself to the Windows Explorer context [right mouse button] menu for folders and allows printing with just 3 mouse clicks.
Program comes with a comprehensive file filter: by name (both include and skip), by date, by size and by attributes. You can select the level of the recursive folder processing ranging from no recursion to the unlimited one.
You can use recursive stats to monitor disk quotas. Also you can order output by file name, size or modification date in ascending or descending order, case sensitive or insensitive. User has a total control over output: you can specify not only what columns will be printed, but also their order, width etc. You can fully customize the look: colors and fonts of the output, plus other adjustable options.

Download Art Directory Print 3.1
Download Art Directory Print 3.1
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