1ClickAddnRemove Installer Uninstaller 1.5
1 Click Add n Remove is an Install and uninstall wizard that completely takes the place of Windows Add Remove program but offers many more functions.
1 Click Add n Remove is an Install and uninstall wizard that completely takes the place of Windows Add Remove program but offers many more functions.
The Standard Add Remove Program often can not completely uninstall applications or broken registry keys. The application is easy to use, it has intuitive interface and guides you step by step through the process of installing and uninstalling Windows programs.
1 Click Add n Remove provides you tips and advice on the status of each program installed on your computer and whether or not it can be safely uninstalled.
It removes the broken keys and unwanted programs in seconds. It also displays information whether or not the application you want to uninstall can be safely and completely removed.
Also allows you to manually add or edit entries, hide and display applications in the Start menu at any time. Install and uninstall wizard will simply guide you through the process of installing and uninstalling safely. Maintain a cleaner faster computer with a cleaner registry.
1 Click Add n Remove is a solution designed for all Windows operating systems, Windows XP, 2, NT, ME, 98 that offer an easier and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer.
With a single click, you can easily get rid of an unnecessary programs, partially uninstalled software, and entries.
click add the process installing and and uninstalling computer with your computer through the the application install and and uninstall uninstall wizard add remove remove program

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Download 1ClickAddnRemove Installer Uninstaller 1.5
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