WebCab Bonds (J2SE Edition) 1
Java Components offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC.
Java Components offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC. Including the pricing and risk analytics of interest rate cash and derivative products. We also cover the fundamental theory of bonds including: Treasury bonds, Yield/Pricing, Zero Curve, Forward rates/FRAs, Fixed-Interest bon
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WebCab Components
Apply the Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints with respect to Markowitz Theory by giving the risk, return or investors utility function; or with respect to CAPM by given the risk, return or Market Portfolio weighting.
WebCab Bonds for .NET 2
WebCab Components
General Interest derivatives pricing framework implemented as a .
WebCab Bonds (JEE Edition) 2
WebCab Components
WebCab Bonds (J2EE Edition) - EJB Suite offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC.
WebCab Bonds (J2SE Edition) 1
WebCab Components
Java Components offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC.
WebCab Bonds for Delphi 2
WebCab Components
Delphi Component for modeling the pricing and risk analytics of interest rate cash and derivative products.
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WebCab Components
Java Components offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC.
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WebCab Components
General Interest derivatives pricing framework implemented as a .
WebCab Bonds (JEE Edition) 2
WebCab Components
WebCab Bonds (J2EE Edition) - EJB Suite offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC.
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Delphi Component for modeling the pricing and risk analytics of interest rate cash and derivative products.
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