UCPPal 1.0
UCPPal is a useful application that assists software developers in estimating software size, effort, cost and schedule using Use Case Points technique.
UCPPal is a useful application that assists software developers in estimating software size, effort, cost and schedule using Use Case Points technique. The schedule is exportable. It is easy to master and use effectively quickly.

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Authors software
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Chemuturi Consultants
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FPAPal 1.0
Chemuturi Consultants
FPAPal is a useful software which assists in Function Point Analysis and FP counting.
UCPPal 1.0
Chemuturi Consultants
UCPPal is a useful application that assists software developers in estimating software size, effort, cost and schedule using Use Case Points technique.
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Chemuturi Consultants
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Chemuturi Consultants
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