StudyX 6.0.0
StudyX is a great and useful software that will help students to study for tests.
StudyX is a great and useful software that will help students to study for tests. Useful for any subject from school to work including: memorizing foreign language, practice math, study science terms, vocabulary words, study material for work, and previous test questions...
Get the benefits of note cards without using note cards. A powerful tool for students or teachers. Includes everything from a study game to automatic test generation. The best study software for students studying for tests.
Features include the ability to quickly add questions and answers. Five print options including flash cards, quick study sheet, and three different practice tests. Also, the interface has been designed as simple as possible, but yet still powerful enough for the power user. Each test is randomly generated, giving the student or teacher the ability to have multiple versions of the test.
StudyX uses some basic artificial intelligence to help you focus on the questions that need the most studying. Notecards/flashcards are a thing of the past; please try out our study software.
the ability study software for students note cards for tests

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Authors software
StudyX 6.0.0
Jeff Computers
StudyX is a great and useful software that will help students to study for tests.
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StudyX 6.0.0
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StudyX is a great and useful software that will help students to study for tests.
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