StockMedium add-on for TradeStation 2.00
StockMedium is an add-on for TradeStation which allows you to:
Select tickers which show predictability.
StockMedium is an add-on for TradeStation which allows you to:
Select tickers which show predictability.
Estimate future ticker results.
Identify turning points in stock movements.
Work with stocks and Forex data.
StockMedium uses a highly complex algorithm to create profiles of stock movements, speculatively modelling and then using a genetic selection process to refine the model over a large number of iterations and variables, allowing an almost infinite flexibility and precision to be achieved.
StockMedium models the tickers during or after the close of trading, and uses these models in subsequent trades. This allows you to be armed with the best information to be able to make decisions that will deliver profit to your bottom line.
StockMedium add-on for TradeStation is an utility that create profiles of stock movements.
The add-on can be installed with TradeStation 8 or higher.
TradeStation 8.xx, Pentium III 1000 processor, 256 mb ram, 15Mb HDDLimitations
15-days trial, doesn't show the formula, not more than 5 tickers
stock movements create profiles allows you for tradestation

Download StockMedium add-on for TradeStation 2.00
Download StockMedium add-on for TradeStation 2.00
Purchase: Buy StockMedium add-on for TradeStation 2.00
Authors software
StockMedium add-on for TradeStation 2.00
StockMedium Group
StockMedium is an add-on for TradeStation which allows you to:
Select tickers which show predictability.
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