Starlight Living Desktop 1.3.0
Starlight Living Desktop is a beautiful starfield screensaver that gently drifts in a variety of ways while shooting stars streak across the night sky.
Starlight Living Desktop is a beautiful starfield screensaver that gently drifts in a variety of ways while shooting stars streak across the night sky. Starlight Living Desktop allows you to change a number of features of the starfield including the number of stars, star size, starfield direction and frequency of the shooting stars.
Eye catching and serene, let Starlight bring tranquility to your desktop. Sit back and relax while anticipating the next shooting star to shoot across your display.
shooting stars living desktop starlight living

Download Starlight Living Desktop 1.3.0
Download Starlight Living Desktop 1.3.0
Purchase: Buy Starlight Living Desktop 1.3.0
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