SpellExpress brings the power of a 120,-word thesaurus, 100,-word spellchecker and 138,-word dictionary right to your computer desktop.
SpellExpress brings the power of a 120,-word thesaurus, 100,-word spellchecker and 138,-word dictionary right to your computer desktop.
SpellExpress has the biggest, fastest, instantly available Dictionary, Thesaurus and Spellchecker on the market.
SpellExpress features
word spellchecker word

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Authors software
Nobe Software
SpellExpress brings the power of a 120,-word thesaurus, 100,-word spellchecker and 138,-word dictionary right to your computer desktop.
SpellExpress - Instant Spell-Check, Thesaurus & Dictionary 2.6
Nobe Software
SpellExpress provides instant access to a spellchecker, thesaurus & dictionary directly from your desktop.
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Nobe Software
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SpellExpress - Instant Spell-Check, Thesaurus & Dictionary 2.6
Nobe Software
SpellExpress provides instant access to a spellchecker, thesaurus & dictionary directly from your desktop.
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