real time system monitoring shareware downloads
Search results for «real time system monitoring»:
HDC Monitoring 0.1
… or success of a filter rule, several actions - distinct or simultaneous - are possible: sending an e-mail, recording in eventlog, saving to a file, launching HDC Connector program (optional component), for a complete treatment of the problem.…
IIS Tracer 2.7.9
… figuration
Custom administation
URL Administration can be restricted to one IP / subnet
Monitoring can be restricted only to scripts or downloads using file/script extension (.asp, .cgi)
CenvoRox File Monitor 3.2.4
… ful monitor and query filters.
Real time monitoring and logging.
Internal embeddable database engine to save all the result.
Intelligent viewer: find your expectation quickly.
Export data from the internal database to TEXT file.
Start monitoring…
Access Manager Server 1.0
… employee monitoring software can record activity on all computers in LAN for future advanced analysis with excellent report generation capabilities. Using our PC monitoring software you will increase the productivity of working staff in your company.…
File Replication Monitor 2.28.3
… Extended schedule system
Powerful notification system
Wide set of extensions
Advanced usability
Windows 2000/Server 2003/XP
30 days trial
Task number is limited to 10.
Requires restart every 8 hours.
Process Monitor Standard
… ll find more information about PMON. You can try PMON for free and buy online using a secure connection (128 bit SSL).
Don't waste your time looking for something else! PMON is the system monitoring tool for critical applications
Process M…
Website Monitoring Expert 4.5.8
… define the interval of time that Website Monitoring Expert provides you with real-time reports and charts, allowing you to easily understand and evaluate your website's performance.
Only 300 times of monitoring can be executed…
SpyXie UnderNetwork 1.1
… istrator could view remotely in real time screens of the remote computers, typed keystrokes, visited Internet sites history, used applications. Any activity from a LAN computer is recorded and could be viewed.
Limitations Expires in 30 days…
EvenTrigger 2.2
… trengthen their network security.
Running as a Windows NT/2000/2003 service, EvenTrigger® is able to generate pop-ups, send e-mails, and even start processes, scripts or to insert events into an OLEDB database, once pre-defined criteria are met.…
GoodBye Spy 4.01
… here is now an integrated Back Up and Restore feature unique only to GoodBye Spy that makes spyware removal safe as if any files are removed that were application dependant use our one step Restore feature to undo any changes.
Trial - 10 days…
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