Raging Sky 1.0
Protect your monitor with amazing images of thunderstorms, lightning and tornadoes.
Protect your monitor with amazing images of thunderstorms, lightning and tornadoes.
The package is powered by an excellent screen-saver engine with lots of options: Select the time between pictures, show the photos full-screen or at original size, choose special transition effects, and optionally display the images in black and white for an artistic effect.
Raging Sky is a trial screensaver which will present you beautiful photos with different tornadoes, lightnings and thunderstorms.
Plus, each of the photos can be displayed as your desktop wallpaper, and you can choose how often to cycle the wallpaper (in hours, days or weeks, or never).
Here are some key features of "Space Shuttle":
most titles the photos screen saver

Download Raging Sky 1.0
Purchase: Buy Raging Sky 1.0
Authors software
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