Promosoft Software Submitter 1.2.1
A Program for Automatic Software submission to hundreds of Download sites, Sites database updated on daily basis, other features include automatic collection of download and listing stats from all sites you used the program to submit to, high speed submit .
A Program for Automatic Software submission to hundreds of Download sites, Sites database updated on daily basis, other features include automatic collection of download and listing stats from all sites you used the program to submit to, high speed submit .
You can do in 1 hour what would take 3 to 5 days in manual pad submission and what would take weeks in form filling. For complete description and step by step tutorial complete which high quality screen shots please visit: and start from there. This trial version has no expiration date but only allows submittion to a maximum of 30 sites out of 324+, once the product is registered this limitation is automatically removed

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Authors software
Promosoft Software Submitter 1.2.1
DigiMode/DevLab AFF
A Program for Automatic Software submission to hundreds of Download sites, Sites database updated on daily basis, other features include automatic collection of download and listing stats from all sites you used the program to submit to, high speed submit .
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A Program for Automatic Software submission to hundreds of Download sites, Sites database updated on daily basis, other features include automatic collection of download and listing stats from all sites you used the program to submit to, high speed submit .
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