Portfolio Manager 1.0.2616
Portfolio Manager represents a personal stock portfolio management system with the aim of being a complete stock trading diary.
Portfolio Manager represents a personal stock portfolio management system with the aim of being a complete stock trading diary. With minimal effort and time you can keep track of which stocks you have bought and sold, along with any associated dividends.
The simple, intuitive design makes Portfolio Manager easy and straight forward to use. Within seconds of loading the application you know exactly how your portfolio is performing. Multiple purchases / sales of a single stock are displayed as both a consolidated or grouped transaction as well as separate transactions to give you a clear indication of how your stock is performing.
The open trades list gives you details of all stocks that you currently hold on a single screen, such as the days change, last price, quantity you hold, price you paid, cost, profit, percentage profit, annual profit etc. The history list includes all the stocks you held for the specified financial year, giving you slightly different information such as buy/sell price, brokerage, dividends, profit etc. Both these lists are completely configurable to display only the columns that you require.
Statistics are also collected for both of these lists to give you an instant indication of how your open trades are performing as well as your closed, giving you the knowledge of exactly how your portfolio has performed over the financial year.
Keeping up to date records of what you’ve bought, sold and how long you held the trade for is vital for trading success. As many of you may already know, tax time can be a nightmare. Portfolio Manager simplifies this process with the use of a report, containing all the required information for your accountant. This not only cuts down your time spent, but also the accountants, saving you money.
Portfolio Manager features
how your portfolio manager financial year all the containing all report containing these lists the required required information your accountant for your information for giving you

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Authors software
Portfolio Manager 1.0.2616
Portfolio Manager represents a personal stock portfolio management system with the aim of being a complete stock trading diary.
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Portfolio Manager 1.0.2616
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