Nurse Dispatchers 1.4
The Nurse Dispatcher was developed for a staffing agency that provides nurses to work various shifts at several hospitals.
The Nurse Dispatcher was developed for a staffing agency that provides nurses to work various shifts at several hospitals. It is ideal for this application as well as others where you need to send people to work different shifts at different locations.
The spreadsheet can accommodate up to 200 nurses and 20 hospitals, each with up to 3 daily shifts.
You simply specify the hospitals or locations within a hospital and shifts as well as nurse names and availability.
Nurses are assigned on individual hospital or location sheets where daily assignments for a 2-week period are made from drop-down menus showing the names of available (not-yet-assigned) nurses.
The program makes sure that you do not assign overlapping shifts and will alert you if a person is assigned to more than 1 shift per day.
We offer as well a smaller version that is able to accommodate up to 10 hospitals and up to 100 nurses.
Nurse Dispatchers features
shifts and locations within daily shifts 200 nurses

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