GWAcc Limited Application Launcher
Having problems keeping user software versions up to date?
This software was designed to simplify your life as a system administrator in an organisation when it comes to distributing new versions of your application across multiple workstations.
Having problems keeping user software versions up to date?
This software was designed to simplify your life as a system administrator in an organisation when it comes to distributing new versions of your application across multiple workstations.
If you are not using software such as Application Launcher probably the most commonly asked question by your customer support is "Which version are you using?" And the answer is always the wrong one. How do you keep versions up to date?
Here's a simple solution. The program is designed to simplify your life as a system administrator when it comes to distributing new versions of your application (as a single executable, or as a set of files) across multiple workstations.
It has proved very useful to us by (almost) automatically distributing application updates across many workstations. We hope it is as useful to you.
your application across multiple multiple workstations new versions distributing new your life system administrator simplify your

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